What: Isha Prayer led by Imam of the Grand Mosque of Makkah
Where: Khadeeja Mosque (1019 West Parkway Avenue, West Valley City , Utah 84119)
When: Oct 17 – Isha starts at 8:45 PM but please arrive by 7:45 PM
All Muslims across Utah are humbly invited to come pray as one body behind this great Imam.
Sheikh Justice Dr. Salih Abdullah al-Humaid has been blessed to serve in many capacities.
He was head of all Imams of the Haramain;
He has served as speaker of Saudi Majlis alShura;
He is now the main adviser to the King;
He also serves as president of Saudi Diwan (Chief of Staff);
Although he lives in Riyadh now, he flies every morning to lead Fajr Salat in the Grand Mosque of Makkah.
The Imam is in Salt Lake City to speak at the Parliament of the Worlds Religions. Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid is the chair of the Parliament of World’s Religion and we are grateful for his tireless efforts to invite the Imam of the Grand Mosque of Makkah. Imam Abdul Malik Mujahid personally visited Saudi Arabia for this goal. A very special thanks to him and SoundVision for organizing these events with Islamic Society of Greater Salt Lake.
© 2016 The Islamic Society of Greater Salt Lake.